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Women enjoying a camping dance party
Camping Dance Party
Not all hen party locations have to be at a beach, or a well-known city...why not pick something a bit different and book a cosy campsite for the weekend?
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Kids Party dance activity with Amy Young
Children’s Festival Activities
We attended a charity festival this summer where we delivered fun dance workshops for children. The sun was shining, the music was playing, and everyone was in high spirits.
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Women having fun at birthday dance party
Birthday Entertainment Ideas
So you have a birthday coming up and you want to organise the best party ever for all to enjoy and remember?... Course you do, especially if you're the one celebrating!
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Women celebrating at Amy Young Summer dance party
Summer Party Entertainment
So you have a summer party to arrange? You have managed to book a venue, catering and even finalised the guest list, but what about the entertainment?
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Women having fun at a hen party - Amy Young Dance
Top Tips When Planning a Hen Party
A few tips to help plan the perfect hen do, well not perfect, as we all know that there is bound to be a mishap somewhere along the line, but this is normal for a hen do.
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Wedding reception entertainment ideas image of woman doing can can dance
Wedding Reception Entertainment Ideas
Live wedding entertainment can transform your wedding reception into something really special. After all the emotion of the ceremony, you will be looking forward to the reception.
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